On January 13, user @0xDiyaaa shared a security incident related to the Telegram Safeguard scam, once again reminding the need to improve security awareness at the end of the year. The user clicked on a TG link disguised as a verification machine in the comment area of the social platform, and then executed a malicious command, resulting in assets at risk. Fortunately, due to the handwritten mnemonic in advance, the assets were transferred in time and the computer was wiped, avoiding greater los...
The AAA Chain Game Foundation announced that it will officially start TGE at 20:00 (UTC + 8) on January 6, 2025, and launch the S1 Genesis Season simultaneously. As a 3A-level chain game that integrates blockchain and AI technology, Seraph aims to lead Web3 games into a new era. Details of its Seraph token economic model will be announced in a follow-up announcement.
AAA Web3 game Seraph "Diablo" announced the official establishment of its foundation at X. As a 3A-level chain game that integrates gaming, blockchain and AI technologies, Seraph brings immersive interaction to players through a decentralized economic model and dynamic game experience. Seraph said that TGE has entered the countdown stage and will further promote the innovation and development of the Web3 game ecosystem.
CMC Labs, a subsidiary of CoinMarketCap (CMC), has announced that AAA Web3 game Seraph has entered its accelerator program. Seraph is backed by South Korean game giant Actoz Soft. This partnership with CMC Labs will provide it with more strategic resources and global exposure, help accelerate the development of games, and expand its influence in the Web3 game ecosystem. It will also demonstrate how Web3 games can bring richer and more valuable gaming experiences through the integration of blockc...
CoinMarketCap(CMC)旗下CMC Labs宣布AAA Web3游戏Seraph进入其加速器计划。Seraph背靠韩国游戏巨头Actoz Soft,此次与CMC Labs的合作将为其提供更多的战略资源与全球曝光,助力游戏加速发展,并扩大其在Web3游戏生态中的影响力,以及展示Web3游戏如何通过区块链和AI技术融合,带来更加丰富且有价值的游戏体验。